Compounding is the art and science of creating personalised medicine. It all starts with a problem: the child who can’t swallow pills, the patient with a gluten allergy, the much-needed drug that’s in short supply or the discontinued medication. For whatever reason, many people aren’t served by mass-produced medications.
Peak Pharmacy Leopold can prepare customised medications based on a practitioners prescription, specifically formulated to the exact strength and dosage required by the individual.
Our talented compounding pharmacist is able to create solutions for a wide range of conditions. Let's check some out.
It can be difficult to find the right solution for skin concerns. We can assist with applications to help with conditions such as Acne, Alopecia, Eczema, Hyperpigmentation, Psoriasis, Rosacea and Scarring
Discontinued Medications
At Peak Pharmacies we can re create medicines that are no longer mass-produced or out of stock long term
Flavour Compounding
We have access to many flavour combinations which can enhance the taste and colour of a medication to make it easier to swallow.
Men's Health
Bio-idential HRT - Hormone replacement therapy isn’t just for women – many men can benefit from it too. ​
Natural Medicines
Complimentary medicines for Insomnia and ulcerative colitis, or for vitamin strength variations.
Paediatric Compounding
Specifically formulated medicines for nappy rash, reflux, skin disorders and other paediatric conditions.
Pain Management
Alternate dosage forms, combined formulations, strength variations and variations for food allergies and intolerances such as gluten. ​
Veterinary Compounding
Most medications are manufactured with intended use in humans rather than animals. Compounding allows for the most appropriate medication therapy by taking into account the unique habits and taste preferences of your pet. ​
Women's Health
Help with Bio-identical HRT, Incontinence, IVF and Vulvodynia ​
For more information on your compounded prescription, please contact your local Peak Pharmacy using our website below: