When it comes to fertility and reproductive health, it is recommended women be at their optimal health before attempting to fall pregnant. A pre-pregnancy health screening is a great way to assess and check vital components of your health such as immunity, alcohol and smoking habits, general health and weight. Book in an appointment with your GP and also discuss any queries with your local Peak Pharmacist.
Immunisations are the best way to help your body fight off certain infections.
Some common vaccinations women require include:
- HPV (Human papillomavirus), to help prevent genital cancers
- Check your childhood immunisations are up to date; for example, you may need a tetanus or whooping cough booster
- It is recommended to have a flu vaccination if you:
° are older than 65
° are pregnant – especially in the last trimester because your baby will also be protected ° have a chronic condition such as severe asthma or diabetes
° are worried that you are likely to get the flu and it would impact you significantly
• If you are over 65 years of age, have a pneumococcal vaccine.
If you would like further information regarding the above topics, please visit
